Imagine the Most Powerful Version of You
Unlock your fullest spiritual potential with Psychic Carla and her award-winning Psychic Development Program
Best Emerging Spiritual & Psychic School South Africa, 2023
discover spiritual transformation
Uncover your infinite power and strength to overcome obstacles. Find a sense of meaning by magnetizing the right people and situations.
Heal past traumas and activate healing abilities.
Become a beacon of light for others.
Overcome the fears that hold you back from success.
Gain self-confidence and motivation as your sensitivities develop.
Become an intuitive lie detector and see through the facades.
Learn how to hack your subconscious to align with any of your desired timelines.
customize your learning
Sign up for sessions and group calls while exploring research content, discussion prompts, and WhatsApp community conversations at your own pace. Feed your curiosity with the LunAscention teachings archive - writings, readings, recordings, guided meditations, external resources…
Energetic activations
Healing sessions
Group calls, sharing circles, live teachings, Q&A sessions
Recorded sessions
WhatsApp/Telegram group
Daily prompts and inspirations
Community discussions and collaborations
Photographer: Rudy Lotter
join a focused healing community
Embark on the journey of a lifetime and find friends along the way.
“In a world of division and polarization, one of the most powerful medicines is to create authentic community. This is an important part of healing, not only for ourselves but also for the world, for we are intricately interconnected.”
- Psychic Carla
discover spiritual transformation
Uncover your infinite power and strength to overcome obstacles. Find a sense of meaning by magnetizing the right people and situations.
more details >
Sign up for sessions and group calls while exploring research content, discussion prompts, and Telegram community conversations at your own pace. Feed your curiosity with the LunAscention teachings archive - writings, readings, recordings, guided meditations, external resources…
more details >
customize your learning
Photographer: Rudy Lotter
Embark on the journey of a lifetime and find friends along the way.
“In a world of division and polarization, one of the most powerful medicines is to create authentic community. This is an important part of healing, not only for ourselves but also for the world, for we are intricately interconnected.”
- Psychic Carla
join a focused healing community
Who are we?
Hi! I’m Carla JvR,
AKA Psychic Carla.
I'm the founder of LunAscention. For over 10 years, I've been on a journey of exploring the psychic realms. I'm not just a teacher, but also a yoga instructor, healer, and a dedicated practitioner of hypnotherapy, magic, lucid dreaming, and astral travel. My passion is helping others awaken their true potential and live a life filled with purpose and joy. I believe that everyone has psychic abilities, and it's my mission to guide you in remembering how to tap into them.
LunAscention is your gateway to a life enriched by the power of your intuition.
We believe that everyone has the potential to access their psychic abilities. Through our unique program, we'll guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you awaken your innate gifts and connect with the divine spark within.
The Blue Team is a collective of pure light beings from higher dimensions. You might call them ascended masters, archangels, elementals, or even aliens. These beings of light work closely with me, offering powerful activations and insights to support your psychic development. Open your mind and heart to their guidance, and watch your intuitive abilities blossom.
Who is the Blue Team?

see what others have to say…
"Carla is a true inspiration! She has helped me with not only psychic guidance but with teachings and practices to reawaken my dream space. The programme I’m currently doing with Carla has already enabled me to unlock levels of potential which I was unaware of. Highly recommend her for readings, energy healing, and courses with enriching content!”
- Malaika Evans
"I recommend this program to anybody who’s is willing to connect with their powers. Absolutely life changing!!”
- Hicham
"Carla taught me how to use my psychic gifts, and I must say I've never looked back.
You will learn to grow in all aspects of your life.”
- Chirmone
"Carla has truly changed my life. When I was seeking support, healing and guidance I found her and began taking her classes and following all of her livestreams. Her teachings and those of the blue team are beautiful and honest and deeply aligned with all good. I am so grateful to have found Carla and in doing so, my own spiritual path. I began this work in her psychic development course. There are truly no words for the impact she has had on my growth. I am so deeply grateful each and every day. Thank you, Carla."
- Amber
"Just had my first session with Carla and what a wonderful way to be affirmed, and guided. The way she speaks and the contextual connected understanding she shares is incredibly comforting and quite rare. Her guided meditations are lovely to listen to and I look forward to continuing on the Path to Enlightenment with another trusted companion in hand.”
- Tarryn Abrahams
OUR life
OUR dreams
OUR power
OUR life 〰️ OUR dreams 〰️ OUR power 〰️
Best Emerging Spiritual & Psychic School - South Africa, 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
No. This course is designed to be suitable for absolute beginners and even those who have been on the path for a while. It is suitable for people who want to sharpen their healing skills and take their journey to another level. It is useful to have a meditation practice already, but not necessary. What is required is COURAGE. People think that the spiritual path is all love and light, but in order to experience more love we must also feel more pain. To see and awaken is to also see the ugliness of the self and the world around us. To see and awaken is to become aware of what needs healing in the self and the collective. To see and awaken is also to become an active agent in the healing work of the self and the collective. To heal we must allow ourselves to feel the full spectrum of emotions. To be on an authentic path we cannot cut ourselves off from the pain of the world, for this would be delusional. We aim here to remember the responsibility we have to the global and universal communities, for it is all us. We call for BRAVE souls to join us in this important work.
This depends entirely upon you; how much time you dedicate to your practices and accessing the material, and what you are ready for. We all have unique gifts and distinctive journeys. What is certain is that if you show up and dedicate yourself to a 5-minute daily practice, if you join the live calls and watch the video content, if you are ACTIVE in the program, if you tap into the exercises and reflect on the journal prompts, you will see and feel major shifts in yourself and your life. Some students have gone on to become healers after this program and others have walked the path of mediumship. It is best to surrender to your journey and be willing to dive deep. The spiritual gifts can be surprising and sometimes even very subtle.
The program is flexible and flowing so you can move at your own pace. The more energy you give to your growth the faster you will grow.
There are two live calls per month (1-2 hours) and if you cannot make the calls, any of the teachings and practices will be shared later within the program. Some live sessions cannot be replicated on a video, since it is about connecting and building community. It is therefore highly recommended to join those calls. As the program grows in numbers we will make more timeslots available, we are always here to discuss issues around time clashes and constraints.
To get the most out of the program we recommend joining both live calls per month and dedicating 1-2 hours per week to other content. A 5-minute daily spiritual practice is highly encouraged. We all have different demands in our lives and some people might move slower or faster which is also absolutely fine.
This program is priceless. In many ways, the monetary value system has distorted how we see value in things... like, what is the price of a human life? And what is the price of the tools that can transform that life? Should that even have a monetary value?
Because we wish to thrive in a capitalist society while simultaneously critiquing and dismantling it, we have a sliding scale price point. We want this work to be accessible to everyone who needs it and resonates with it. Spirituality should not be exclusive nor reserved for the wealthy.
And if you can support our mission and pay full price, which we think is still grossly undervalued, we ask you to do so:
12-month participation (upfront) $888 (SAVE $168)
12-month participation (monthly) $88/month
6-month participation (upfront) $555 (SAVE $40)
6-month participation (monthly) $99/month
We recommend a minimum of 6 months in the program if you will commit a focused amount of energy and spend time with the content, this is the fast track. If you want to move at a slower pace in the program to suit your busy lifestyle the 12-month package is a better option. Options to remain on the live calls after the 12 or 6-month package is a monthly subscription of $55/m. If you wish to contribute to the scholarship fund and support someone else to access this powerful work you can do so here.
Yes and Yes.
We look at each case separately and do our best to accommodate all income levels. Spiritual teachings and practices should be available to all people.
We also offer the opportunity for those with the means to sponsor additional scholarships. This is a wonderful way to pay it forward. This is the true meaning of wealth - to share within a sacred community. Donate here.
Program Structure & Teaching Approach
You will get access to the LunAscention Learning Archive, containing teachings & practices, internal & external sources, and video & written content that you can tap into at your own pace as it feels right for you. This archive is constantly growing.
There is a Telegram group where updates are shared: journal prompts, inspirations, new content, meditations, etc. This is also a place to connect with the community. We ask you to please download Telegram if you don't already have it.
There are two live calls per month currently happening on a Sunday for most time zones and early Monday morning for others. This happens over Google Meet. As the numbers in this capsule grow we will add additional calls to cater for varying timezones and schedules. Talk to us so we can make it work.
The Blue Team is a group of higher-dimensional light beings that I agreed to work with before this incarnation. Yes, they are spirit, but they can just as easily be described as energy, light, pure vibrational love, or divine source energy. How you define them for yourself will depend upon your worldview. You could call them archangels or aliens. You could call them ascended masters. Really, it is all the same thing looked at through a different lens.
Carla has been aware of her gifts of perception since around the age of 6. It was evident that people did not see and hear what she did. As a natural psychic, Carla has been sharing channeled insights since childhood. The first time she guided someone into a meditative state was at the age of 15 when a school friend was feeling stressed and sad. The energy that opened in that moment was so powerful and paved the way for this work much later.
Carla has been doing psychic readings for over 10 years and while she always thought it would remain something on the sidelines of her life, she had to answer the full calling in 2019 when the spirit guides called the Blue Team told her to come out of the spiritual closet.
In fully committing to this work Psychic Carla began to realize that there would be more benefit and use for her clients in aiding them to access the subtle realms without her. We all have a divine spiritual teacher within, an innate wisdom that knows how to listen if we are brave enough to get quiet and face ourselves.
The Psychic Development Program first launched in February 2022 and was a short crash course and powerful energetic activation.
Later in 2022 Psychic Carla relaunched the program with the intention to move slower, to provide more integration time, healing time, and continued support as people navigate the tender realms of inner work.
In 2023 LunAscention & Psychic Carla won an award in recognition of this program from the African Excellence Awards.
In 2024 Psychic Carla began structuring the program to be more accessible and evergreen, meaning you can join and exit whenever it feels aligned for you and that the teachings continue to grow as we journey and navigate together.
Theory - this is useful for understanding but is useless without integration and practice.
Meditations - multiple meditation techniques are taught and shared both live on the calls and to do in your own time through the archive material.
Practices - other supporting practices are shared to aid in releasing energetic or emotional blocks and to integrate teachings and discoveries. This may include, but is no limited to: journaling, affirmation work, energy medicine, hypnosis & prayer.
Magic - as a ritual magic enthusiast, Psychic Carla often works with and shares tools from these powerful practices.
Energy work - this often overlaps with meditative practices but is distinct in its energetic intention.
Breathwork - the power that can be accessed through breath is largely underestimated, even in spiritual circles.
Activations from higher dimensional beings - The Blue Team are the beings that Psychic Carla works with in this life. They are powerful activators and with your permission, they can aid you in all aspects of your journey.
We place no limit on the types of abilities that can be unlocked. Every time Psychic Carla has launched this program there have been students who activated abilities outside of her realm of practice. This in turn has allowed her to grow and expand her understanding through the program. Each person’s unique gifts should be welcomed and nurtured.
Some types of more common abilities that come through include:
Clairvoyance - receiving visions
Clairaudience - hearing messages
Clairsentience - feeling messages or energy
Mediumship - channeling or communication with the dead or other spirits
Dream messages or prophecies - receiving communication through dreams
But do not let this list limit you. Not everyone will receive visions. Not everyone will hear things. Allow yourself to be open and see what unfolds.

Begin your spiritual journey today.
Book your FREE 60-minute session now
Click below to schedule time for us to connect — ask any questions you have and get started with the program today. No payment required!