What is PSYCHIC?
It is a term that can bring up many associations and opinions ranging from supportive and all-embracing, all the way to absolute disdain or even confusion. Here we unpack a little around what it is, and how and why it works, at least in some cases…
I am always amazed when people tell me they don't believe in psychic phenomena because they are scientifically minded. And while absolutely everyone has the right to believe what they like, I don't accept the science narrative as an excuse, because (throat clears) QUANTUM PHYSICS.
As a human being with a love for knowledge, wisdom, and evidence-based claims, it has come as a surprise, even to myself, that I have followed my calling as a psychic and spiritual teacher. Despite knowing that I was psychic from a young age, I always preferred to keep this a secret and to work within the more respectable realms of book-knowledge. Yet I find that the deeper I look the more evidence I find for the case of psychic phenomena.
As a practicing psychic, I can only talk about what psychic means to me, and so I must acknowledge that this term may have differing meanings from person to person and even from psychic to psychic, none of which would be wrong. This is the nature of labeling things. Our labels may not match up, yet we are still looking at the same thing.
It is also important for me to note that while I have a great interest in science and math, I am not a scientist or mathematician. If you are, and you find a flaw in my argument or understanding here, please do email me as I am always happy to grow and learn.
So let us begin with what psychic ability is not, and from my experience with my many clients over the years, I can say that these are stemming from some of the misconceptions out there:
- Being psychic does not mean that you know everything. This idea would defy the very mysterious nature of our reality. There is much that we can know, and there is much that we can discover and hypothesize around, however, there will always be a sense of mystery to this great universe.
- Being psychic does not give one power over another, although, my experience has shown that many are willing to give that power away. Power can never be taken; it can only be given.
- Just because someone is psychic does not mean they will always be right. Particularly when we are looking at future predictions; an individual can always alter the outcomes due to their free will. Also the definition of “right” will vary from person to person.
- Just because someone is psychic, does not mean they are not human. At the end of the day, energy can be misread or misinterpreted. The practice of working with psychic realms allows one to gain much experience and become better and better at reading the energy, however, miscommunication may still be possible.
Here is my personal definition of PSYCHIC:
“Someone who is able to pick up on subtle energy that others have learned to block out or someone sensitive who is able to tap into streams of consciousness to derive answers and information that they could not have otherwise known.” - Psychic Carla
Here is the Oxford Learner's Dictionary definition of psychic:
“(Of a person) seeming to have strange mental powers and to be able to do things that are not possible according to natural laws'' and “connected with strange powers of the mind and not able to be explained by natural laws” (Psychic, 2022:online). It is interesting the use of the words “not able to be explained by natural laws” as I will go on to use the laws of quantum physics later on in this discussion as a support for psychic phenomena (Psychic, 2022:online).
Furthermore, Oxford Dictionaries (Psychic, 2022:online) links the root of the word "Psychic" with the Greek word “psukhē” meaning breath, soul, and life. As a Yoga practitioner and teacher, I appreciate this link. In Yogic philosophy, the breath is linked with life force, vitality, the heart, and spirit. For me being psychic is a normal and natural thing. I believe that we all can access these gifts. So many of us have just learned to shut it off. It is as natural as breathing. This is why I offer training in opening your psychic gifts.
The skeptical understanding of PSYCHIC may link the term with words such as psychotic, deluded, or scam. This is part of the reason that I was so afraid to come out of the psychic closet, so to speak. The academic archetype within me had always pulled faces at this part of myself. I had to get to a space where I could no longer deny its potency, presence, and necessity. Energy flows through me and speaks, and so I surrender to it.
For me, the experiments of quantum physics can make this all more believable, if you can grasp it, of course. Many logically minded Newtonian-based thinkers, however, may battle to accept the theories and experiments of quantum physics, not because they cannot understand it, but because it defies their logical dispositions; it simply does not match their view of the world. At the microscopic level Newtonian physics falls apart and strange, seemingly impossible things begin to occur.
The famous double-slit experiment, for example, demonstrates that a particle acts like a probability wave until it is observed and then it behaves like a particle; which is what the viewer expects (Yousif, 2016). The energy of the observer, and the fact that observation is happening, affects the outcomes of an experiment - well of course it does! I suggest that it is the belief system of the observer, their intentions and expectations, that affects the way the wave or particle behaves. For me, this illustrates the alchemical axiom “as above so below” - that the universe around us is a mirror reflecting at us what we are choosing to believe, focus on, intend, and expect - for the most part on a default setting. Because I believe that I can receive information from thin air, I do! And it is astounding, even for me, every time. I believe that all information is available right here and now, and so it is, but before we look at another aspect of quantum physics to explain this further let’s look at another explanation of how we process information.
We have certain bodily-based senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing. Our brains take those sensory inputs and filter them through our belief systems and then create a holographic image based on all of the input data. No one can argue with this. We know that we all have different levels of ability in all of these senses - better or worse eyesight, hearing ability, etc. We also know that we have certain limitations of our sense organs. We do not for example see the full spectrum of light, yet we know more exists than we can see since we can measure these with other instruments (take gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, infrared, and radio waves as examples). We also do not hear the full range of sound. Everyone is familiar with the example of a dog whistle that can be heard by a dog, who has a much larger range of hearing. It is safe to say that there is a lot out there that we simply do not filter into our views or rather, illusions of the world. It is both scientific and logical to claim that what we perceive is simply an illusion or a hallucination produced by our brains that is affected by our senses but also and perhaps more importantly by our ideas and beliefs.
We can only perceive to the extent that we have ideas, concepts, and beliefs around those things. When new ideas come in then we can see differently. To a person from pre-Newtonian times, gravity did not exist. To a person pre-Galileo, the world was flat as a pancake (and yes some people still believe this, and guess what, to them it is!). To a person who is Christian, a spiritual experience will be attested to Jesus or the Holy Spirit. To a Hare Krishna devotee, the spiritual experience shall be associated with Krishna. Is the energy really that different, or is it indeed the individual through which the experience is being felt and interpreted that is different? Is there ever a right or a wrong way to interpret the energy? I think a more pertinent question is, is the interpretation empowering? Indeed does it feel good?
To take this a step further: if your belief system affects how you experience the world then your belief around psychic phenomena will affect your experience with psychics. If you don't believe in it, that is fine. There is more than enough space in this infinitely expanding universe for us all. If you are a skeptic then don't book a psychic reading, and stay within your own realms and understanding of logic. But don't use the excuse of science as proof of its demise. Your lack of belief in psychic phenomena will create a block of energy and even affect the psychic's ability to read you. How can they read you if your energy is closed off to them? Never book a reading to try and have a psychic prove their gift to you. If you want to get the most out of a session, open yourself up to the possibilities and place your trust in the synchronistic flow. Then you will have an incredible experience. This goes for any experience in life. If you choose to do something, then approach it with openness and trust, and your experience will mirror that at you. If you approach with skepticism and disdain, then you are sure to find problems. Even quantum physics, in my opinion, suggests this.
Another quantum physics theory that baffles the rational mind is that of Quantum entanglement, which shows us that when two waves interact with each other they become entangled and then it doesn't matter how far apart they become, they will continue to exchange information with each other faster than the speed of light (Wooters, 1988). So basically once two things are connected, they are always connected and they can continue to affect each other no matter how far apart they become. The implications of this idea are phenomenal. For me, it forms the basis of proof for many spiritual concepts so let’s look a little deeper.
The Big Bang theory states that at one time, all that exists in the universe was condensed into a tiny space before we began expanding outwards, and we are now in that outward expansion (Bahcall, 2015). If we accept this theory and then link this concept with Quantum entanglement, then it would seem a logical deduction to me that we were all once intimately connected (waves interfering with each other) and that we should therefore all be able to exchange information faster than the speed of light with absolute ease. In other words, quantum entanglement plus the Big Bang theory, creates a useful way to explain psychic phenomena and also suggests that we should all have access to these gifts.
Quantum entanglement also forms a mathematically sound basis for proving the concept of oneness or interconnectedness that is preached across all sacred traditions in one form or another. If what was once connected remains connected, and we were all condensed at one time, then we are all one thing experiencing itself within the illusion of separation.
It is certainly understandable why many scientists have an issue with quantum physics. Einstein even called quantum entanglement “spooky action at a distance” (Popkin, 2018:online). Despite not having a logical explanation for quantum mechanics, the mathematics that underlie the ideas are the basis for the information age and our contemporary technology. This is literally how we have manipulated silicone, built computers, your cell phone, and all kinds of AI. We are working with this spookiness every single day. Right now you are able to read this article on your cell phone, tablet, or computer, because of quantum mechanics. Why would it be such a leap to believe that we could access these technologies with our own bodies or minds?
All information exists here and now - it is already well accepted that time does not exist in the linear way we experience it, and nor does space; there is no reason why time should move forward in the way we imagine it (Martin, 2021). Looking into the past or the future is therefore scientifically possible since it all exists now. We were all connected at one time. What was once connected remains connected or entangled and can therefore affect each other and continue to exchange information. Therefore, all information is available to us all of the time, right here and right now and the possibility for telepathy (communication through our minds) is also scientifically valid.
There are many different ways of seeing the world, and you can switch lenses multiple times per day. You can see the world as being made up of energy, or information, or spirit, or matter - although the matter-view is very Newtonian, which as already stated, breaks down when we look a little closer. These are all different ways of explaining/seeing/framing the same thing. While the framing may change and therefore the viewpoint that you have, you are still looking at the same thing.
Take an information paradigm perspective for example, we know through scientific research that everything holds information; take our DNA for example, every living cell holds massive amounts of information about where we came from, our ancestry, what we have been through, and even our health and current state of being (Goldman et al, 2013) (Kaufmann, 2003) (Polanyi, 1968).
This can be evidenced even further through a branch of research called epigenetics, which is an ever-growing field (Bird, 2007). Without going too far down that rabbit hole, to give a simple explanation: epigenetics suggests that we inherit trauma from our parents, that the way we live our lives, what we eat, and the stress levels we live with, can all alter our DNA and can pass down to our children (Guerrero-Bosagna, 2016). This adds a whole other layer to the nurture versus nature discussion since the nurture aspect can alter the very nature of our being. This also suggests that when we heal, and live a healthy life, not only physically but also emotionally, we can also pass on better genetic markers to the next in our lineage. Is it so far-fetched to imagine that everything holds information and that there are ways to read that intuitively?
With an energy-filled perspective, we can believe more in the unseen forces that are scientifically viable, such as gravity or magnetism. Energy can always be felt and most of us understand that. When we walk into a room where a couple has been arguing we can feel the tension in the air. If we understand that behind everything is energy, and we accept that we can feel energy, then we can buy into the belief system that we can pick up energetic imprints even from the invisible. Think of wind - we cannot see the wind but we can feel it and witness its effects. Even thoughts have energy; they exert real forces (Lajtner, 2016).
Psychic phenomena can be explained as the reading of thought forms. Sometimes when I am reading a client, and they are confused about something, and they want clarity about what to do, all I can read is their confusion because that is what they are putting out and they are not ready to receive the clarity because they have not yet chosen it. Of course, there are cases where people know what to do on one level, but are confused by overthinking in which case it is very easy to bring through the clarity. When people already have a sense of what they want but are not being honest with themselves, then I can read that too. All I can read is what is present.
We can also look through a spiritual lens: as a psychic I communicate with higher-dimensional beings. They are pure vibrating light. They tell me what needs to be said. I could just as easily call them angels, gods, guides, or even elemental beings. Is there a difference in any of these definitions? Or is it only the lens we look through that changes? What we are looking at is the same thing. I am well aware of the technical definition differences between these terms. I can already hear all the arguments sounding. When we boil it down, however, to its essence, it is energy, once connected to us and therefore still connected to us, vibrating at a certain quality that I link with love.
Words are simply signposts. Like different metaphors, words provide ways of explaining but can never take the place of the thing described. In using words, definitions, and signposts we blindly stab in the dark trying to explain the indescribable. The very act of trying to define something creates a separation of that thing from another, which creates an illusion. The very act of categorizing and trying to make sense further skews our views and understanding. It is a great paradox. The truth is that it is all the same thing. We are all one thing. It is all you. It is all your projection. And when I read someone I am therefore also reading myself. I am looking in the mirror.
Would you like to come look into the void with me? Book a psychic reading session or join the PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM to open your own abiities.
Bahcall, N.A. (2015) “Hubble’s law and the expanding universe,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(11), pp. 3173–3175. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1424299112.
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