With the sun in Gemini, Mercury still in retrograde and Jupiter about to go retrograde, this month asks us to do some deep inner work; the kind of inner work that fully integrates the understanding of the mirror effect; everything that we perceive is us; and only we have the power to shift.
On the 2nd/3rd of June we have Venus joining Mars by moving into Cancer heightening our sensitivities to those we share intimacy with. This can go in two directions or even both these directions at the same time; we can become more sensitive to the needs and feelings of those around us making us more attentive, kind and nurturing or we can become more easily triggered and feel more hurt by things that would normally not bother us. Becoming aware of the sensitive energies helps us to use it in ways that help us to enrich our relationships and accelerate their growth towards healing. As we heal on an interpersonal level we also send out healing to the collective energies. While we move towards the New Moon with a focus upon these watery emotional landscapes within ourselves, bring focus to healing and releasing those emotions that no longer serve you.
The 3rd/4th provides us with two trine aspects - one between the Sun in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius, opening up the perfect opportunity to recognise our limitations and to use our intellect in order to overcome them. This is a great moment to set meetings to discuss the way forward and to visualise what we wish to manifest in the future. Our intellectual capacities and problem solving abilities are particularly heightened at this time. The second trine is between Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces, which adds a glorious watery dreamlike-energy, an optimism and heartfelt sensitivities to the intellectual air qualities of Gemini and Aquarius. This may well be one of the most magical energies of the month so make use of it wisely. Allow yourself to carve out a vision that aligns with your heart space.
We have a more difficult square aspect upon us on the 5th/6th of June between Mercury in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces, as well as an opposition between Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, which heightens the intensity of the day’s energies. This day may be full of emotional triggers, misinterpreted words, and the kinds of communications that somehow fall flat in the seemingly empty spaces where transformations should be occurring. Please recognise that whatever difficulties this day may highlight, not all is lost. Make the decision to not react upon this day, and to rather take any new information away to quitely be meditated upon. Start the day with reminding yourself of everything that you are working towards and why you are doing so; this will help you to face any of the challenges rooted in your purpose.
The 10th/11th provides us with the New Moon Solar eclipse in Gemini and a conjunction between the Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Gemini. Eclipses are powerful markers of shifts and changes that will affect us for 6 months to come. While Mercury is still in Retrograde, also in Gemini, the limitations of those very Gemini qualities are highlighted, not to bring us into dismay, but rather to offer us opportunities to transmute old paradigms of unconscious behaviors into the light of consciousness where they may be dissolved. Check in with your integrity in how you speak about others. Recognise that your words have real energy and that the energy that you put out, is the energy that you receive back from the universal flow; this is the law. Are you speaking blessings upon others? Or are you spitting bitter curses? If you stepped into the recognition of the oneness of the universe - that the other is you, then it only makes sense to speak with grace. Other kinds of behaviours that may be highlighted this day, and even for a few days afterwards may include patterns of mistrust for our partners, dishonesty, flirtatiousness that spills over the boundary lines and scatteredness. Use this energy to deprogram and reprogram your darkest patterns of self; the easiest way to see these patterns, is to see them in others, for they are our most potent mirrors of self. The accusations you deliver to others are your own inner demons.
Mars enters Leo on the 11th/12th, a much more comfortable space for the expression of that Martian energy than the watery realms of Cancer from whence it came. The fierceness of Mars’ flames is accentuated when in Leo, bringing a sense of confidence and power that can spill over into our work ambitions as well as our sexual drives. On the shadow side there may be a tendency to be egotistical and attention seeking. For those of us with strong Leo placements in our natal charts it will be necessary to be conscious of falling into an over arrogant attitude, opposed to being humbly confident in our capabilities while enjoying the warmth of our own glorious energy.
The 13th/14th offers us a square between the Sun in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces as well as a sextile between Venus in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus. The beautiful sextile energy is lessened by the troublesome square aspect, yet we may still see some small wins emerging in terms of relationships and money, and perhaps our relationship with money. The square with Neptune and the Sun may make us susceptible to: falling into delusion; falling back into old addictive patterns; relapses and may give us poor judgement. This may be a better day for spending time in nature away from the phone, temptations and other people.
A square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus occurs around the 14th/15th of June. This day promises to highlight our financial limitations on both a global and personal level, which may appear to be a rude awakening at first glance, until we recognise that those limitations lie only within our perceptions and constructions which are completely alterable. Use this energy to release limiting ideas and to imagine new constructs that empower not only yourself but also others. Overcome that Aquarian pessimism that says “it's hopeless and people will never change” and use that Aquarius ingenuity in order to create or co-create something healthier and equitable.
Around the 20th/21st is the Summer/Winter Solstice, the Sun enters Cancer and Jupiter goes retrograde bringing a dimmer light to our good fortune. It will be necessary for us to be deeply in touch with our own internal guidance systems - our hearts - in order to navigate the dimmer landscape, which the sun in Cancer can assist us with. It will be essential to remember our innate capabilities to navigate with less light. Cancer is ruled by the moon, and the Sun is it’s exact opposite; the Sun in Cancer feels vulnerable, which is not necessarily a bad thing; anyone who has watched Brene Brown’s TedTalk on ‘The Power of Vulnerability’ will have given due consideration to the positive implications of this word; and if you haven’t watched it perhaps it is time. The solstice is a powerful moment where the scales are tipped - a pinnacle point where we have reached the peak of either Winter (the shortest day of the year) or Summer (the longest day of the year) depending upon where we find ourselves. This is the moment where the pendulum shifts in a new direction. How will you navigate these oceans of vulnerability and dimmed felicity?
On the 21st22nd Venus in Cancer is trine to Neptune in Pisces, which has a particularly spiritual character. You may feel called to spend a good deal of time in prayer and worship of the magnificence of this manifested reality, and this would be a good call. This is a great day for manifestation magic, healing rituals and for love spells; it is also an excellent day to spend time at the beach or a lake, with the people that you love.
On the 22nd/23rd Mercury goes direct in Gemini, and all of the lessons of the slowed Mercurial energy will need to be integrated over the 3 week post shadow period. Spend time reflecting upon what you have learned in terms of the words that you use, the thoughts that you think and how those energies can best be used in order to uplift yourself and others. Use these three weeks to fully transition into a new version of yourself.
On the 23rd/24th of June we have a beautiful trine aspect between the Sun in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces, as well as an intensifying opposition between Venus in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. Despite Jupiter being in retrograde, the lovely trine aspect does bring about some good fortune for our inner work, for understanding our emotions on a deeper level and for being brave enough to expose them to the people we share our lives with. This can create some waves in the relationship dynamics, but waves can sometimes cause a cleansing and a washing away of that which no longer serves our higher purpose. Consider how best you can make use of this energy in order to create empowering shifts with long lasting effects.
On the 24th/25th of June we have a full Moon in Capricorn, providing the perfect platform for us to release any of our tendencies for stubbornness. Interrogate where it is in your life that you are not allowing the flow of energy to move due to your own resistances. This is the moment to release them. Spend time journaling, surrendering and releasing. You know what to do; trust that.
The 25th/26th Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces; which means that both the traditional and modern rulers of Pisces are now retrograde in Pisces. Our addictive patterns may emerge more profoundly at this time in order that we may acknowledge and shift them; addictive patterns are not always intertwined with substances, but they could be. We will need to be cautious about slipping into false narratives that do not reflect the truth of who we are: that is divine source energy. Sticking to our spiritual practices may seem a bit tougher for the next while but it will be even more necessary than usual to do so, for that shall be our saving grace when things appear hopeless; the hopelessness, of course, being the false narrative we should avoid.
On the 27th/28th Venus joins Mars in playful Leo, causing us to all feel the need for verbal and physical affections. It is easier now to express how we feel with warmth and passion, so long as we are feeling loved and appreciated. Bring a focus to giving what you wish to receive, and expressing how you wish to be treated, especially when you feel as though you are not being met with the same energy.
While the interpretations are my own, the movements of the planets are provided by astrology.com